Publicaciones Científicas
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Quinto J , Ballester I , Micó E, Galante E , Martínez-Pérez S (2024) Invertebrados amenazados e invasores en España. Mundo Artrópodo, 18:14-15.
Sandra Martínez-Pérez , Javier Quinto y Estefanía Micó (2024) Coleópteros saproxílicos “El tesoro de los bosques, escondido en la madera”. Mundo Artrópodo, 18: 33-38.
Micó, E., Aguirrebengoa, M., Quinto, J., Juárez, M., Marmaneu, J., Sánchez, A. (2024). Physical decomposition stage and ergosterol content predict the chemical composition of downed dead wood in Mediterranean dehesas. Eur J Forest Res.
, & (2023) Spatio-temporal species aggregations do not rule out interspecific competition in tree hollow spider assemblages. Ecological Entomology, 1–13. Available from:
Quinto J.; Díaz-Castelazo C.; Ramírez-Hernández A.; Padilla A., Sánchez-Almodóvar E.; Galante E.; Micó E. (2023) Interaction Networks Help to Infer the Vulnerability of the Saproxylic Beetle Communities That Inhabit Tree Hollows in Mediterranean Forests. Insects 2023, 14, 446. DOI:
Martínez-Pérez S; Galante, E.; Micó, E. (2022) Sex specificity of dispersal behaviour and flight morphology varies among tree hollow beetle species. Movement Ecology. 10/41, pp. 1 – 12. DOI: 10.1186/s40462-022-00340-7
Micó, E.; Martínez-Pérez S; Jordán Nuñez, J.; Galante, E.; Micó-Vicent, B. (2022) On how the abandonment of traditional forest management practices could reduce saproxylic diversity in the Mediterranean Region . Forest Ecology and Management. DOI:
Patrik Rada; Padilla, A.; Jakub Hórak; Micó, E.Public LiDAR data are an important tool for the detection of saproxylic insect hotspots in Mediterranean forests and their connectivity. Forest Ecology and Management. 520, pp. 1 – 12. DOI:
Barrientos, J.A.; Martinez Devesa, G; Hernandez Corral, J.; Micó, E. Arañas (Araneae) de las oquedades arbóreas del Parque Nacional de cabañeros (Ciudad Real, España). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología. 40, pp. 33 – 46. 30/06/2022.
Tello, F; González, M.E; Micó, E.; Valdivia, N; Torres, F; Lara, A.; García-López, A. (2021). Short-Interval, Severe Wildfires Alter Saproxylic Beetle Diversity in Andean Araucaria Forests in Northwest Chilean Patagonia. Forests. 13/441. DOI: f13030441
García-París, M.; Jurado-Angulo, P.; Martínez-Pérez S; Micó, E. (2021) Rediscovery of Forficula iberica Steinmann, 1981 (Dermaptera: Forficulidae). Zootaxa. 2, pp. 241 – 251. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5039.2.5
Hernández-Corral, J.; García-López, A.; Ferrández, MA.; Micó, E. (2021) Physical and biotic factors driving the diversity of spider assemblages in tree hollows of Mediterranean Quercus forests.Insect Conservation and Diversity (Online). pp. 1 – 13. DOI: 10.1111/icad.12483
Pérez-Sánchez, D.; Mason, NWH.; Brustel, H.; Galante, E.; Micó, E. (2021) A higher taxonomic richness does not ensure the functional resilience of saproxylic beetle communities in evergreen Quercus forests. Ecological Entomology. 46, pp. 1215 – 1229. DOI: 10.1111/een.13069
Martínez-Pérez S; Sánchez-Rojas, G.; Galante, E.; Micó, E. (2020) Saproxylic Cetoniidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea): A “Females World” or a Question of Dependence on Deadwood?. Environmental Entomology. nvz167.DOI:
Barrientos, J.A.; Hernández-Corral, J.; Micó, E. (2020) Linyphiidae (Araneae) inhabiting hollow oaks in Mediterranean forests: new descriptions and temporal distribution of remarkable species. Arachnologische Mitteilungen. 59, pp. 97 – 107.
Pérez-Sánchez, D.; Galante, E.; Micó, E. (2020) Functional and Taxonomic Beta Diversity of Saproxylic Beetles in Mediterranean Forests: On What Factors Do They Depend?. Environmental Entomology. 49/3, pp. 615 – 626. DOI: doi: 10.1093/ee/nvaa045
Micó, E.; Ramilo, P.; Thorn, S.; Müller, J.; Galante, E.; CARMONA C. (2020) Contrasting functional structure of saproxylic beetle assemblages associated to different microhabitats. Scientific Reports. 10/1520, pp. 1 – 11. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-58408-6
Ramírez-Hernández, A.; Martínez Falcón, A.P; Micó, E.; Almendarez S.; Reyes-Castillo, P.; Escobar, F. (2019) Diversity and deadwood-based interaction networks of saproxylic beetles in remnants of riparian cloud forest. PLoS ONE. 14/4, pp. e0214920. DOI: pone.0214920
Micó, E.; Marcos-García, M.A.; Alfredo Ramírez-Hernández; Galante, E. (2021) El bosque adehesado como refugio de una entomofauna muy diversa. pp. 1 – 141. (España): Publicacions de la Universitat d’Alacant. ISBN 978-84-9717-750-4.
Micó, E. (2018). Saproxylic Insects in Tree Hollows. In: Ulyshen, M. (eds) Saproxylic Insects. Zoological Monographs, vol 1. Springer, Cham.
Micó E., Marcos-García M.A., Galante E.( Eds). 2013. Los insectos saproxílicos del Parque Nacional de Cabañeros. Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales, Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Madrid. Descargar Libro.